Trademark service

Guard Your Identity

Protect your brand’s uniqueness with Trademark Shield Identisa – Your Trusted Trademark Service. 
We deliver trademarks that set you apart, guiding you through complexity, ensuring clear communication, and enhancing your grasp of the world of intellectual property.

Trademark Service Incudes

As a dedicated trademark service, we provide the following essential pillars for safeguarding your brand identity:

Search and Clearance

Conducting thorough searches to ensure the chosen trademark is available for use and registration


Guide you through the process of filing and managing trademark applications for legal protection


Continuously monitor trademark databases to identify unauthorized or potentially infringing usage.


Offer legal support and action against trademark infringements to safeguard your rights.

Portfolio Management

Strategically manage and advise on trademark portfolios for long-term brand protection and expansion.

International Protection

Provide guidance on securing trademark rights beyond borders through international registration methods.

Our Process

We deliver trademarks that set you apart, guiding you through complexity, ensuring clear communication, and enhancing your grasp of the world of intellectual property


Consultation and Analysis

  • Understand your needs and assess trademark viability.
  • Determine suitable trademark types and protection scope.

Application Preparation

  • Prepare and draft the trademark application, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • Identify the appropriate class of goods/services for trademark registration.

Filing the Application

  • Submit the trademark application to the relevant national or international trademark office.
  • Pay the necessary filing fees

Application Monitoring

  • Track the application’s progress and respond to any office actions or objections.
  • Communication about the status of the application.

Selected Work

Brand NAming

What Our Clients say

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Let’s Secure Your Identity Together


4, Narasimha, Govardhan BDG, Vrindavan Colony, Dwarka, Nashik, Maharashtra, India 422011

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